Inox Green Energy Services’ Subsidiary Gets O&M Order From NLC India

Inox Green Energy Services’ Subsidiary Gets O&M Order From NLC India

Inox subsidiary Green Energy Services’s I-Fox Windtechnik secured the order from state-owned NLC India for both the maintenance and operation of a wind energy project of (51 MW) in the area of Tamil Nadu. 

The scope of this contract consists of a very vast and comprehensive O&M, that also effectively includes the power evacuation system for a total period of 5 years. They are getting a revenue realization of five crores. 

SK Mathu Sudhana, who is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of IGESL said :

We are progressing towards our goal of reaching a WTG O&M portfolio of 6GW by FY26, through a mix of organic and inorganic growth

Very recently Inox also announced an investment worth 5 Billion Rupees, from the affiliated group entities and the main promoter. This capital infusion got realized through the form of an equity sale of the company made by the associated group entities and its main promoter. 

I hope you found the information regarding this resourceful. Thank you for reading up till here.

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